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About Lisa.


I'm very passionate

about my faith and I wouldn't be where I am today without the leadership, support and encouragement from my community. Both in my church and in my business. 


I love learning and growing! I'm always reading, listening to podcasts and surrounding myself with people who are visionaries. People who are positive and encouraging, but also make you step out of your comfort zone. Because who you hang around with is who you become! I want to show love rather than expect love. 

I focus on being

effective versus efficient. I use my private personal victories unselfishly by trying to create value for others. I expect no more of others than I expect from myself. I am not willing to win at the cost of another's spirit. I love people! I love serving others and seeing them become who God has created them to be.


“I believe that when we lead with love and accept people as they are, we create something the world has never seen.” 


These past 3 years

have been my biggest growth season in all my life because I allowed myself to be teachable and coachable. I was so busy living way too long in my past to see my own blind spots. I was stubborn, but also felt defeated by life and thought that this is what it is for me. God had a different plan for me. I don't look back with any regrets because I had to go through all that to be able to share my story so others could have freedom. 


I now get to travel with my family. Show them the world, create memories that will last a lifetime, like exploring new places or simply getting outdoors and being adventurous. We love to ski, camp, dirt bike, play silly games or walk along our favorite beaches. 


Show them that it is possible to break free from limiting beliefs, negative and poverty mindsets. And be open to creating true success.

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