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Other people will be first to doubt you but...

Other people will be the first to doubt you but...

When you become successful in network marketing, people LOVE to tell you why that must be.

To name a few: You must have gotten in at the right time, you must have a huge network.... or you’re really good at scamming people. if so, I scammed my own children. 🤪

But none of that is true!

I am successful at this simply because I don't quit when others do.

Most people don’t make it in network marketing because the problem was simply impatience. It’s usually not that they have totally failed but that they haven’t succeeded fast enough.

I never believed what I was doing was a get rich quick thing. Instead, I rolled up my sleeves and said- 'If this takes me years to build residual income for my family then I'll commit to it" you can't have a right here, right now attitude. You have to think long term and I truly believe we are set apart for a long lasting company! Something allllllllllll my grandkids can be proud of!

I worked hard and did what others are afraid to do. What others are embarrassed to do.

Quitting was not an option for me. Ever!

Instead, YOU see what l do, I tell people about products that I TRULY love. Products that I believe in. Something we all do naturally anyway.

Some think network marketing is selling to all your friends so you can get to the top.... wanna know what's truly on my agenda?!!! To help as many families experience believe, confidence in themselves and freedom, time freedom, financial freedom. Freedom to do the things you have always wanted to do.

I know what it's like to feel stuck, having no hope, feeling sorry for myself and financially sick. I know what it's like to be stressed about bills and have anxiety over finances. I know what it's like to live paycheck to paycheck. I know what it's like to get in money fights and have that cause marriage problems. I know what it's like to not have extra money when an emergency arises. 78% of Americans live paycheck to paycheck and our family was in that percentage. It's not fun. It's not a way to live and raise a family. I wanted to do more. Travel more as a family. My agenda was to help my family by helping other families and show others that ordinary people can do this! You're on my agenda! I hope my story gives you hope or at least makes you think, "what if?!

If your curious at all, even a tiny bit. That is God nudging you to at least have a conversation with me to see if it could be a right fit for you.

Comment "CURIOUS" and ill connect with you. ♥️

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