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Sometimes I remind my kids there is only one of me.

Only one of me.

One of me who holds the hearts of many.

One of me who gives freely.

One of me who loves deeply.

One of me who cares ferociously.

One of me who wonders if she is enough.

One of me who tries and tries and tries.

One of me who doesn't always have the answers.

One of me who shows up.

One of me who feels a bit lost at times.

One of me who loses her patience.

One of me who is creative.

One of me who waits for them.

One of me who texts them checking in on them.

One of me who dreams for them.

One of me who cleans and cooks and helps.

One of me who believe in them.

One of me who is grateful to be their mom.

Only one of me.

One who doesn't quit, even on the hardest days.

One who isn't perfect, only real.

And that one of me, for them is priceless.

They might not see it.

They might not realize.

They might not be grateful.

But I am there.


The one of me.

Their mom.

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