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Stuck with not being the person that I wanted to become.

If you've been stuck for years, I mean stuck in living a life you don't like, stuck in a state that wishes you can become your old self or become a new one, or simply stuck at not knowing what you want to do.

Well, don't fret, my friend, you have a lot of company.

I, too, have been stuck for the longest time.

Even though there was this little voice inside my head and a burning desire that I could be a world changer. I didn't believe I could.

I tell you, there were a lot of fears, doubts, self-sabotage, feelings of unworthiness, fear of failure, fear of what other people think of me, etc.

I was so bound to my past and others' opinions that I didn't realize I was the one keeping myself in this place.

But one day, I said, "I am so done."

I am so done living life according to the expectations of others. I am so done not following my intuition - that I can do something great. I am so done not defining and going after what I truly want. The purpose that God had for me.

The moment I overcame all these fears, doubts, and sabotage - I was able to spread my wings so wide that the love and energy I have inside of me spread to other people just like me.

You see, I would not have seen any growth if I had not decided to grow. If I didn't choose to overcome my limiting beliefs.

And I wouldn't say I am already "ALL GOOD". I am still a work in progress and will continue to choose to grow.

How about you?

What do you want to overcome today?

What is that dream you want to live but you are getting in the way of yourself?

I hope this blog has inspired you to dream bigger for yourself.

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